Contact us
If you have a specific question about one of our trademark activities, please use the contact form for that particular trademark: @eitis, Aivaras, Garsų menė, and Musicwide. We will communicate faster and smoother that way.
If your inquiry is more general, feel free to get in touch with us using the email address or contact form provided below. We are always open to discussing new projects, creative ideas for content production, and opportunities for business collaboration and development. Communication is growth.
Get in touch with us!
Feel free to get in touch with us. We are always open to discussing new projects, creative ideas for content production, and opportunities for business collaboration and development. Communication is growth.
Drop us an email or submit the contact form to schedule a phone conversation.
Company details
Use this information about our company in formal exchanges, transactions, or documents such as invoices or contracts.
Kranto studijos, UAB
- Company name: Kranto studijos, UAB
- Legal entity code: 300650314
- VAT payer code: LT100003546110
- Registered address: Raudondvario pl. 107, LT-47186 Kaunas, Lithuania
- Bank name: Swedbank, AB
- Bank address: Konstitucijos pr. 20A, LT-03502 Vilnius, Lithuania
- Bank code: 73000
- SWIFT code: HABALT22
- Bank account: LT587300010098977715